Cs131_2 notebook

Resizing, Segmentation and Cluster. More blog and fun, see xiaoxin83121

Chapter5 : Image Resizing


Scale: 对图片进行尺寸上的放缩变换,会对图片内容造成影响;

Crop: 从图片中选出一段区域;

Content-aware: 神奇地去掉不重要的部分;


Energy is defined as: $E_{1}(I)=|\frac{\part}{\part x}I|+|\frac{\part}{\part y}I|$ , 找到能量最低的点(线、区域),多次剔除即可。如下图的最低能量线(纵向)


New question! How to find Lowest Energy Line?

The Answer is The Dynamic Programing!!!

We get the vertical recursion formulation: $M(i,j)=E(i,j)+min(M(i-1,j-1),M(i,j-1),M(i+1,j-1))$

Obviously, it is greedy algorithm. 确定M矩阵后,从最下方开始贪心寻找路线;再剔除掉路线的像素点即可~;持续到满足要求。


code written by python(TODO)

# coding=utf-8

import numpy as np
import cv2
from scipy.ndimage.filters import convolve
import time

def cal_energy_map(img):
    filter_h = np.array([[1.0, 2.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-1.0, -2.0, -1.0]])
    filter_h = np.stack([filter_h] * 3, axis=2)

    filter_v = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, -1.0], [2.0, 0.0, -2.0], [1.0, 0.0, -1.0]])
    filter_v = np.stack([filter_v] * 3, axis=2)

    img = img.astype('float32')
    convolved = np.absolute(convolve(img, filter_v)) + np.absolute(convolve(img, filter_h))
    energy_map = convolved.sum(axis=2)
    return energy_map

def crop_h(img, scale):
    _, w, __ = img.shape
    new_w = int(scale * w)

    for i in range(w - new_w):
        begin_time = time.time()
        img = curve(img)
        print("Iter-{} cost {}".format(i, time.time()-begin_time))
    return img

def crop_v(img, scale):
    img = np.rot90(img, 1, (0, 1))
    img = crop_h(img, scale)
    img = np.rot90(img, -1, (0, 1))
    return img

def curve(img):
    r, c, _ = img.shape
    M, backtrack = minimum_seam(img)
    mask = np.ones((r, c), dtype=np.bool)
    j = np.argmin(M[-1])
    for i in reversed(range(r)):
        mask[i, j] = False
        j = backtrack[i, j]

    mask = np.stack([mask] * 3, axis=2)
    img = img[mask].reshape((r, c - 1, 3))
    return img

def minimum_seam(img):
    r, c, _ = img.shape
    energy_map = cal_energy_map(img)
    M = energy_map.copy()
    backtrack = np.zeros_like(M, dtype=np.int)

    for i in range(1, r):
        for j in range(0, c):
            if j == 0:
                idx = np.argmin(M[i-1, j:j + 2])
                backtrack[i, j] = idx + j
                min_energy = M[i-1, idx + j]
                idx = np.argmin(M[i - 1, j - 1:j + 2])
                backtrack[i, j] = idx + j - 1
                min_energy = M[i - 1, idx + j - 1]
            M[i, j] += min_energy
    return M, backtrack

if __name__ == "__main__":
    image = cv2.imread("./test_seam.jpg")
    scale = 0.6
    out = crop_v(image, scale)
    cv2.imwrite('./test_out.jpg', out)

origin_image: 在嘉峪关没买票拍的




Chapter6: Cluster and Segmentation




